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依托于業界領先的研發實力和對存儲市場的深刻理解,UIT積極面向新興市場和應用,與合作伙伴力量緊密結合,建立起遍及全球的產品開發與市場營銷體系,并針對不同市場特點和行業應用需求,提供個性化解決方案和本地化服務支持。目前,UIT已經在中國北京、深圳、上海、香港、臺北、美國Santa Clara、愛爾蘭Cork建立銷售和技術支持中心,在國內設立哈爾濱、濟南 、杭州、南京、武漢、廣州等15家銷售分支結構,并在歐洲、北美、東南亞市場建立起專業的的銷售渠道。UIT產品廣泛應用于廣電、通信、政府、安防、教育、互聯網等存儲需求快速增長行業,贏得中央電視臺、鳳凰衛視、首都國際機場、國家稅務總局、中國移動、中國電信、中國人民銀行、中國石油、平安城市、上海世博會、臺灣中華電信等標志性客戶。根據IDC權威報告,UIT市場增速超越眾多國際品牌,市場份額位居中國品牌第一。UIT公司是全國安全防范報警系統標準化技術委員會成員,2006年被科技部認定為高新技術企業,2007年通過ISO9001質量管理體系認證,連續5屆獲得中國國際軟件博覽會金獎或創新獎,2009年獲得中國信息產業年度高成長性企業獎和北京市自主創新產品認定。

New Storage New Vision
United Information Technology (UIT) is a leading storage solutions provider. Since being founded in 2001, we have established a proven track record of empowering businesses with enterprise class storage products, application software and industry solutions.
International standard, competitively priced solutions
With UIT, enterprises can benefit from a range of international standard, competitively priced storage solutions, ranging from economical and robust Internet SCSI (iSCSI) storage, to Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks (FC-SAN) that meet the stringent demands of major enterprises.
Our IP-SAN, FC-SAN and Network Attached Storage (NAS) solutions ensure that IT managers can enjoy complete flexibility, choosing products and solutions that balance their requirements for cost, performance, scalability, reliability and manageability.
Corporate customers
UIT storage solutions are deployed by many key corporate customers, in sectors spanning telecommunications, media, financial services, energy, government and education. Our clients include Beijing Capital Airport, Phoenix Television, ZTE Corporation, and China National Petroleum Corporation.
R&D and innovation crucial for exploring new horizons
At UIT, we place great emphasis on research and development, and product innovation, as we explore new horizons in the storage industry, and strive to meet our customers’ needs and surpass their expectations. Our sales and operations offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong are supported by our global product design center in Silicon Valley, California, and our software center in Shenzhen, Southern China.
UIT will continue developing products that meet global standards and bring exceptional value to our customers, and working to deliver employee and customer satisfaction, whilst ensuring our partners enjoy success in the challenging yet rewarding world of network storage.
commitment to our employees, partners and customers.
Since founded, UIT regards the employees as the most valuable resources of the company. We provide effective and systematic training and developing system for our employees’ career development. We also provide competitive compensation, benefit and stock option reward package.
We’re looking forward to your joining!
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