上海海通國際汽車碼頭有限公司 是由上海國際港務(集團)股份有限公司、安吉汽車物流有限公司、日本郵船株式會社、NYK Holding (Europe) B.V.、華輪威爾森瑞典中區碼頭公司、上海汽車工業香港有限公司共同合資的中外合資企業。碼頭公司主要從事內外貿整車裝卸、滾裝方式大件裝卸、堆場服務和管理PDI增值服務。公司擁有達到國際先進水平的滾裝碼頭信息管理系統。
Shanghai Haitong International Automotive Terminal Co.,Ltd. Shanghai Haitong International Automotive Terminal Co., Ltd. is a joint venture company invested by Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd, Anji Automotive Logistics Co., Ltd, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, NYK HOLDING (EUROPE) B.V., Wallenius Wilhelmsen Terminals Central AB and SAIC HK LIMITED. The company is mainly dealing with foreign and domestic trade of vehicles Ro-Ro operation, H&H Ro-Ro operation, storage services and PDI value-added services. Internationally advanced management system of Ro-Ro terminal marks is acquired.
上海海通國際汽車物流有限公司 是由安吉汽車物流有限公司、上海國際港務(集團)股份有限公司共同組建的合資企業。物流公司具有“一級國際貨代”資質,擁有一支專業化的物流方案策劃和運作團隊,能集成海關、碼頭、公路及鐵路等方面的強大資源,具有完整的內外貿口岸服務功能,提供國際航運、進出口報關、國內水運、陸運及鐵路運輸、零部件拆裝箱、倉儲、外貿轉關等服務。公司擁有一體化物流信息服務平臺,菜單式服務為用戶度身訂制解決方案。同時,公司采用KPI指標進行日常運作質量的持續改進與管理。公司獲得ISO9001:2000認證,致力于以口岸資源為平臺,以技術化服務產品開發為抓手,大力發展汽車零部件集裝箱航運物流,重點發展外貿進出口整車物流。海通公司始終以打造最具競爭力的供應鏈,成為可信賴的物流供應商為己任,為客戶提供滿意的服務。
Shanghai Haitong International Automotive Logistics Co.,Ltd. Shanghai Haitong International Automotive Logistics Co., Ltd. is a joint venture company invested by Anji Automotive Logistics Co., Ltd. and Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. The company acquires “Non-Vessel Carrier” and “Class A International Forwarding” certificates. Company boasts a professional logistics project design and operation team, organizing all resources including customs, terminal, highways and railroads and etc. The ability of integrated domestic and foreign port services, providing international shipping, imports and exports customs clearance, domestic water transportation, traffic transportation and railroad transportation, packing and unpacking of components, storage and foreign trades customs transfer is Haitong’s characteristics. Integrated logistics information services platform and listed services are provided to make tailor made solutions to customers. KPI index is used to make continuous improvements and management of daily quality operation. Haitong Logistics Company has passed the ISO9001:2000 test and it is dedicated to fully develop components containers logistics and put priority on developing vehicles imports and exports by taking ports resources as platform, and highly intelligent services products as the mainstay. The responsibility of building up the most competitive supply chain and becoming a reliable logistics supplier, providing customers with satisfactory services is always regared as Haitong's responsibility.