Duties and Responsibilities:
1.Review complaint cases escalated by customer service team independently and conduct prompt and detailed investigation of the case ensuring all investigations are handled in compliance with relevant procedures and regulatory requirements in a timely and appropriate manner;
2.Works collaboratively with the team and other relevant departments to identify trends and undertake root cause analysis, leading to process improvement and escalates departmental risks ;
3.Identifies the problem and all relevant issues in straightforward situations, assess each using standard procedures and makes sound proposals for case solution.
4.Monitor closely the external CRP related regulatory requirements and implement them in cooperation with responsible departments into company;
5.Effectively support and assist the Head of CRP in accomplishing CRP goals and develop, implement and manage CRP programs in China and effectively monitor incoming CRP tasks ;
6.Maintain good working knowledge of relevant requirements, including laws, regulations and company policies ;
7.Draft high quality reports in both Chinese and English to the relevant regulators.
1.Bachelor or above from Law School, Chinese lawyer qualification certificate, or Bachelor (or above) with Economic, Finance related major, etc. ;
2.3+ years’ working experience in legal/compliance/ customer service /complaints handling experience/customer relationship and communication management filed, preferably in financial institutions.
1.Knowledge and experience in financial institutions such as commercial banks, or other banking financial institutions, security companies, financial leasing companies, auto finance companies, etc.
2. Experience in properly handling customer sensitive data ;
3.Knowledge of the Data Protection & Consumer Rights protection;
4. Exposure within a consumer protection driven environment;
5.Preferably having experience with work in multinational teams.
Skills and Competencies
1.Excellent interpersonal,communication, presentation skills in both Chinese and English;
2.Ability to make sound and rational analysis on escalated cases , actively participate in CRP discussions in Chinese and English, draft bilingual CRP documents and memoranda;
3.Proactive, solution bringer and self-starter;
4.Work independently;
5.Team player;
6.Native Chinese speaker, Excellent and confident English speaker and writer.
7.Capable of understanding and dealing with structured and complicated tasks, pays great attention to detail in documentation, good user of MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel.
捷信集團(Home Credit B.V.)是國際領先的消費金融服務提供商(簡稱:捷信),業務遍及全球11個極具增長潛力的市場。成立于1997年,捷信主要向信用記錄缺失或很少的人群提供負責任的貸款,以及簡單、方便和快捷的消費金融服務。在每個運營的國家,捷信都致力成為當地市場的領先者。憑借豐富的跨國運營經驗和專業知識,捷信得以持續領先眾多的同行企業。通過提供安全和優質的貸款體驗,捷信積極地推動并擴展普惠金融覆蓋傳統銀行服務覆蓋不到的人群——我們的很多客戶都是首次借款人。捷信積極推動生活水平的提升,同時滿足借款人的金融需求。截至2016年6月,捷信擁有超過8.6萬名員工,累計服務超過5,990萬客戶。捷信擁有強大的業務網絡,包括超過21.5萬個貸款服務網絡點。
繼武漢和長沙客戶服務中心投入運營后,2016年9月,捷信正式啟用其在華投資的全新客戶服務中心 – 天津客戶服務中心。此前,捷信在華共設有武漢和長沙兩大客戶服務中心,共可容納8000名專業客服人員,日均服務量可達750,000次。隨著天津客戶服務中心全面投入運行,將有近15,000名客服人員為客戶提供7天無休的專業服務,服務能力和水平都將得到顯著提升。
作為銀監會批準設立的首批四家試點消費金融公司中唯一的外資公司,捷信消費金融有限公司, 其股東為國際領先的消費金融服務提供商捷信集團,于2010年底正式在中國開業,為中國的客戶提供消費金融服務。消費是促進中國經濟結構轉型的重要推動力。捷信消費金融有限公司積極響應國家擴大內需、大力發展消費金融的要求,通過為客戶提供安全、負責任的消費金融服務,持繼為中國的經濟發展和人民生活水平的提高做出貢獻。