Position Responsibilities:
1.Provide financial applications support, working as consultant to business and coordinating internal and external vendors to insure the applications running smoothly.
2. Database SQL server maintenance and support
3. Responsible for IT internal /external audit
4. Assist in developing and following corporate IT policies, standards, Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Plan.
5. Document the infrastructure environment and procedures to insure infrastructure operating efficient, and of high quality
1. Financial support experience is preferred.
2. Bachelor degree in computer science or related preferred
3. At least 3 years working experience.
4. Ability to co-ordinate incident resolution when dealing with multiple support areas.
5. Strong documentation skills, good analysis and troubleshooting skill.
6.Excellent communications skills both orally and written.
7. Self-motivated manner, proactive and energetic.
8. Good teamwork, flexible, responsible.
9. Customer Focus.
10. Some professional certifications in relevant technology (such as Microsoft, Golden Tax) and ITIL are considered in advance.
ServiceOne Beijing Limited( 北京直信創鄴數碼科技有限公司,簡稱SOG )于2001年在北京正式成立,陸續在45個城市設立了60家全資分支機構,擁有超過2000人的專業化服務管理團隊,搭建起一個直控重點城市、輻射全國市場的完善的服務網絡,可以支持多達1000多個城市的快速服務需求。公司于2002年通過了ISO9001質量體系認證,是目前國內最大的獨立第三方IT服務提供商之一。為客戶提供計算機及其外圍設備的維修、維護、技術支持、系統集成、軟件開發、常駐工程師等多形式、多元化的專業服務。公司內部全面運行自主研發的服務運作系統(Service Delivery System),可以實現電話中心支持、服務定單分配、服務執行監管、庫存備件管理等,使整個服務過程處于實時受控狀態,全面保障服務品質。
SOG是Dell、Apple、ASUS、NEC、Netgear、Lexmark等IT廠商的授權服務商。服務產品包括臺式機、筆記本、服務器、打印機、媒體播放器、網絡相關產品、移動通信設備等;在不斷加強與各品牌廠商合作的同時, 也與匯豐銀行、恒生銀行、NIKE、葛蘭素-史克必成、英格索蘭、DSM(帝斯曼)、默沙東制藥、Burberry、中宏保險、殼牌石油、英國電訊等眾多知名企業形成服務伙伴關系,為企業客戶提供包括計算機、移動通信設備及其外圍設備的維修、維護及技術支持,服務器集群、網絡設計、綜合布線等系統集成服務..