崗位職責:1.后端開發與API設計: - 基于ASP.NET Core設計和開發高性能、高可用的RESTful API,支撐業務需求。 - 使用Entity ****work Core進行數據庫建模、ORM映射及遷移管理,優化數據庫性能與查詢效率。 - 解決多線程、并發場景下的技術難題,提升系統吞吐量和響應速度。2.分布式系統與架構優化: - 結合消息隊列(如RabbitMQ/Kafka)和緩存系統(如Redis),設計并實現高可靠的分布式架構。 - 分析系統性能瓶頸,通過代碼優化、數據庫調優等手段提升系統整體性能。3.DevOps與容器化部署: - 參與CI/CD流程搭建,實現自動化測試、持續集成與持續部署(如GitLab CI/Jenkins)。 - 使用Docker及Docker Compose進行容器化部署,支持服務的快速迭代與彈性伸縮。4.跨團隊協作與支持: - 與前端團隊緊密協作,理解React/Vue等框架的需求,提供接口支持并參與技術方案評審。 - 編寫高質量技術文檔,確保代碼符合規范并通過單元測試保障穩定性。任職要求:1. 熟練掌握C#語言,能夠使用面向對象設計思想解決復雜問題。2. 熟悉ASP.NET Core Web API開發經驗,能夠設計和開發RESTful API。3. 熟悉Entity ****work Core,具備數據庫設計、ORM映射、性能優化和遷移管理經驗。4.熟悉主流LLM與AI Agent開發框架,如Dify、GPT等。5. 熟悉常見的數據庫(如MySQL、PostgreSQL)及其優化技巧,具備較強的數據庫設計和性能調優能力。6. 熟悉多線程、并發編程,能夠解決性能瓶頸和提高系統響應能力。7. 熟悉消息隊列、緩存系統(如Redis、RabbitMQ、Kafka等)的使用,能夠合理設計高效的分布式系統。8. 熟悉DevOps流程和工具,能夠進行自動化測試、持續集成、持續部署等操作,保證項目的高效開發和穩定發布。9. 了解Docker以及Docker Compose等容器編排。10. 較強的溝通能力和團隊合作精神,能夠與前端、測試、產品等團隊協作,推動項目進展。11. 了解React、Vue等現代前端框架開發。
1.Microsoft Azure and Office 365
Nova technology was incorporated since 1999 in Shanghai, we offer professional, affordable and high-quality IT solutions and services to small and medium enterprises, with a fully qualified, fully staffed virtual IT department, assisting them in deploying and managing Infrastructure and business applications, so them could focus on his own core business.
Nova always adhere to one rule of “Customer First, Service first” to provide a better service for our clients. Our company culture is “To be better company”, it is trial for reflecting a personal value” To be a better man” to a company. Our employees are thinking of the value when we are in work, to do a better job, better attitude, more efficiency, and more satisfaction.
Our main business scope
1.Microsoft Azure and Office 365 in China
Cloud is future of IT, we are partner of Microsoft Azure and Office 365 ID: 4279016, we have rich experience on migration, installation and support in Microsoft Cloud service.
2.SOTI mobile devices management solution
As Partner in China of SOTI, we offer a full range of installation, support service for SOTI products. With our service our customers can easily manage all the mobile devices.
3.Infrastructure installation
Nova provides customized solutions based on the specific needs of clients. We have much experience in new office setup solutions and retail industry setup solutions.
4.IT outsourcing services
Our professional service team delivery their excellence service throughout China to enhance client IT service quality and reduces the IT service cost. It helps client reduced the burdens from IT support and concern on their core business.
Company website:http://www.nova-tech.cn